24/7 Kelly Slater, recibe cuatro nominaciones a los Sports Emmys

24 7 Kelly Slater 2019 Official Trailer HBO
El especial de HBO sobre la vida de Kelly Slater, 24/7, ha sido nominado para cuatro premios Sports Emmy.

HBO documentó los preparativos del 11x Campeón del Mundo para el final de la temporada en la costa norte de Oahu, y el comienzo del Vans Triple Crown of Surfing, galardón que Slater ha ganado dos veces en sus 29 años en el CT.

En este programa especial, Slater habla sobre su incesante impulso competitivo, los altibajos de su carrera y su sueño de ganar el Billabong Pipe Masters, la joya de la corona de la Triple Corona, una vez más.

"Si pudiera ganar el Pipe Masters este año, y si fuera la última prueba que gane en mi carrera, moriría como un hombre feliz". Slater revela.

La producción de HBO Sports "24/7: Kelly Slater" ha recibido cuatro nominaciones a los premios Sports Emmy, que incluyen:

  • Outstanding Edited Sports Special or Series
  • Outstanding Camera Work
  • Outstanding Editing - Long Form
  • The Dick Schaap Outstanding Writing Award

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Thank you to the crew at @hbosports and 24/7 for joining me in Hawaii to cover surfing for the first time. I’ve been a huge fan of the show for years. The insights they give to the athletes, especially in the lead up to boxing matches they’ve covered, has been unparalleled. I was rightfully a bit intimidated to do this show for fear of not living up to the comparisons of other shows and sports they’ve done but I couldn’t be happier that we got together and did it, and today we were nominated for 4 Sports Emmy’s...Outstanding Edited Sports Special or Series, Outstanding Camera Work, Outstanding Editing - Long Form, and The Dick Schaap Outstanding Writing Award. Congratulations and thank you to Bentley and her crew. Special thanks to @alekparker for helping on my end with logistics on the ground and at home. Thank you to the crew at @wsl for all their assistance. Also a huge thanks to @terryahue, @fluid_vision, and a bunch of people I’m sure I will remember after I post this for being so gracious and helpful on the north shore during the Triple Crown events. What a blessing it’s been.

Una publicación compartida de Kelly Slater (@kellyslater) el

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